Bachelor of Science (BSCM)

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In the first Semester, the credit load of courses under different categories is 18 credits. However, in the second Semester, the credit load will be 22 credits. In the subsequent Semesters i.e. from 3rd to 6th semesters, the credit load will be 20 credits per semester. The total credit load per year is 40 credits. The semester-wise distribution of courses in different Categories is given in the Table. As can be seen from Column (3) from the Table, the students are required to opt for two Disciplines in the first Semester and the third Discipline in the second Semester. The courses have been divided into 5 Groups and the students can chose only one Discipline from a Group as explained earlier. Thus, the
students will be able to complete 4 courses of each of the three Disciplines making a total of 24 credits in each discipline in a span of 3 years (6 semesters). The courses given in pairs need to be taken in pairs only.

BBYCT131 Biodiversity
BBYCL132 Biodiversity
BBYCT133 Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
BBYCL134 Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
BCHCT131 Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic
BCHCL132 Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic
BCHCT133 Chemical Energetics, Equilibria and Functional
BCHCL134 Chemical Energetics, Equilibria and Functional
BGGCT131 Physical Geography
BGGCT132 Human Geography
BGYCT131 Physical and Structural Geology
BGYCL132 Physical and Structural Geology
BGYCT133 Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic
BGYCL134 Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic
BMTC131 Calculus
BMTC132 Differential Equations
BPHCT131 Mechanics
BPHCL132 Mechanics: Laboratory 2
BPHCT133 Electricity and Magnetism
BPHCL134 Electricity and Magnetism : Laboratory 2
BZYCT131 Animal Diversity
BZYCL132 Animal Diversity : Laboratory 2
BZYCT133 Comparative Anatomy and Developmental
BZYCL134 Comparative Anatomy and Developmental
BEGG171 Media and Communication Skills
BHIE143 History of Environment
BPAG171 Disaster Management
BPCG171 General Psychology
BPYG171 Applied Ethics
BABG171 Understanding Ambedkar

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